Saturday, February 16, 2013


We have decided to announce our baby girl's name to you all!

her name is.....

drum roll, please.... ;)

Pronounced (Row-in) It's an Irish name (technically a surname) that can be used for both men and women; kind of like Riley, where it OBVIOUSLY just sounds more suitable for a girl ;)  

You could call her Rowan, Ro, Wyn, or Rory. or pretty much anything. 

And no, for the record, it had nothing to do with the new Boy Meets World spin off/sequel actress Rowan Blanchard being selected to play Cory and Topanga's daughter 'Riley'. This is annoying. Now it's for sure going to hit the U.S. baby name charts -_- but I guess it was her name first.

WEIRD though, right? Riley/Rowan? WEIRD.

Anyways, I remember the very day I fell in love with this name. I picked out "Rowan" while eating lunch at the "pub" at the mall with my dad in 2007. He was done reading/browsing his Irish Sports Paper so I took a gander. One article I noticed was written by somebody named "Rowan"... and I literally remember stopping and thinking

"if I ever have a daughter that's what I'll name her"

I just thought it was pretty and unique. But not too unique like it was made up or something. Luckily the name has grown on Rob and now he loves it too! Because it is rather unique we balanced it out with a pretty, traditional, classy name: "Frances".

We hope you all like it as well, although it may take some getting use to ;) And yes, it's yet another 'R' name in our family.... but I promise.. the 'R's stop here! 

this was her first piece of mail from Grandma & Grandpa Pummill .. <3

Addressed to Wyn was a BIG box of onesies, sleep and plays, pacifiers, and all kinds of cute baby girl items!
Thanks Dad & Tonya! <3

         Rob, Riley & Rowan 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's a beautiful name and I'm sure she'll be as beautiful as you were as a baby. Rob was probably cute as a baby too, but I don't want to embarrass him! ;) I saw your US, is that a 3D or 4D? Back when you and my kids were born they rarely did Ultrasounds so we were usually surprised.
    If you get a chance, check out my FB page. There are some of Kelly's ultrasound pics (you might have already seen them). I haven't seen an ultrasound pic of Patrick and Rachel's little one yet. I hope they get one soon.
    Love you all! God bless you, Rob and Rowan Kitty :)
