Thursday, June 27, 2013

39 & 40 weeks.

I know, I'm back-tracking here.....

These weeks were a blurr.

I felt like I was going to be pregnant forever! We expected her to be born early with the seemingly inescapable stress it would put on my kidney.. but so far the pregnancy had no effect. So our OB said there was no rush to get her out because full term babies are generally the healthiest! 

She was hoping I would go into labor naturally so we wouldn't have to have an induction. I guess there's an increased risk of c-section with that. Which, wouldn't be a problem for normal people... but because of all my previous abdominal surgeries, I have quite a bit of scar tissue and my internal anatomy is a little skewed- which makes things a little tricky.

The NSTs still looked good and I pretty much laid low in the apartment, relishing my last few days of sleep and watching Netflix. (Have you seen White Collar? We're obsessed!)

On the 17th I was pretty motivated, though. I just all the sudden got this burst of energy and motivation to clean and organize. I hear they call this "nesting". It is a natural occurrence for most mother's to 'nest' right before their baby comes - weird, right?!

Instead of resting as I had been for the past weeks few days, I made a list of all the things we needed to take to the birthing center when it was time to go (hospital bags, phones/chargers/pillows, etc.), washed all the towels and sheets, cleaned the kitchen, organized the cabinets, cleaned the pots & pans, sanitized the microwave, cleaned the stove, swept, dusted, sanitized the sinks, put away the laundry, straightened up the nursery, baked some scratch-made lemon scones & peach cobbler, and made a homemade supper.


my scones! pretty, right?!

not too shabby considering I was waddling around at 40+ weeks pregnant .. and I had started at noon and was done by 5pm!

When Rob got home we ate dinner and then decided to go on a walk. About 50 yards into the walk I felt a gush of I had peed my pants (TMI I know, but it's important to the story). There was only a little, so I didn't think it was my water breaking, but it was enough to freak me out so we turned around and went home. 

 continue to the birth story for the rest! :)

Cravings: Peanut Butter

the old standard. love those PB&Js

Misses: My Body 

Not that it was so great before. But, I had made it all the way to 37 weeks before I had any ...dun dun dun... stretch marks! I thought I was going to escape pregnancy without them. No such luck. But if that's the worst of my pregnancy troubles, I'll take 'em!


P.S. Rob and I celebrated Father's Day.. even though she wasn't here quite yet!
Happy (belated) Father's Day to all the daddies out there :)

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