Thursday, January 31, 2013

Throwback Thursday

June 2008

Happy Throwback Thursday! I found this today while I was frantically moving photo folders into my Dropbox. My computer has been dying a slow and painful death and I am paranoid about losing all my pics and important projects/documents! This is one of the first pics we took together. I believe it was at a friend's bonfire.  Like my really cool flip phone? It had Caller ID on the OUTSIDE! 

I was 18. Rob was 22.

How young does Robbie look? Precious Precious Precious!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spring Sneak Preview


Just kidding. It's January 29th. But it was 70 today. Yeah, 70!
SO refreshing to open the windows in the apartment and get some fresh air flowing through here.
We'll be back to freezing temps in no time, though! -_-


I have been itching to get outside for months. I can't stand the cold so I have been sticking around the apartment hiding out. OK, and the occasional trip to TJ Maxx... and the Gap Outlet.
Whenever we get a day above 40 I like to go for a brisk walk around our apartment community.It's about a 2.5 mile trail up and down hills. Never been a big jogger/runner/etc and I won't start now because I am too paranoid of  scramblin' the baby. But it's nice to get a little exercise. I even carry my cute little 4lb dumbbells I got at the five below before we moved out here.

It is nice, too, because I usually wait for Rob to get home and we hike together. Even though I know he'd rather be running, he walks with me the whole time. We're debating on whether to register for one of those jogging strollers... I think it would be a good way for daddy and daughter to bond! ... and give momma some nap time :)

Happy Trails

Sunday, January 27, 2013

20 weeks.

Now that I am officially halfway through this pregnancy I am really starting to get excited about our baby girl and am anxiously anticipating to feel her kicks any day now! One thing that has already started to kick in: cravings. 

Cravings: Peanut Butter & Fried Eggs

Protein. I NEED peanut butter every day. I eat a peanut butter cookie Luna bar as my mid morning snack followed by a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch almost every day. Right before bed I am always going through the cabinets trying to find something to put peanut butter on... almost always ending in vain as I just decide to eat a spoonful. I have never been a big fan of nuts, but all of a sudden I am buying up nutty trail mixes left and right. I have also never cared much for eggs but now I eat them a couple times a week with toast and some juice.

Misses: Beer, Wine, Cocktails, Frozen Margaritas, Martinis.... you get the picture

Sigh. Just 20 more weeks til I can enjoy a nice French Martini or glass of Merlot. Or a Miller Lite would even satisfy me at this point.

We are starting to gather more stuff for the baby. We like to pick out a little something every time we go out. I like to have Rob do the choosing so he feels a little more involved in the process. Soon, he'll feel REALLY involved when he's putting together all the nursery furniture I am picking out ;) Right now, I am loving all the Etsy baby girl nursery prints I am finding... might have to snag this one soon:

Saturday, January 26, 2013


So this is us. July 7th, 2012. Where it all began. Although I would tell you it all started March 2008 when I first saw him and knew this picture would be taken one day... but I don't like back-tracking. So this is where it started....

On October 25, 2012 we received some --shocking-- but exciting news! We are expecting our first baby!

I am so excited to share a little of our life with you all as we take on marriage, parenthood, and life