Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tribute to Twenty-Two

22 was good to me. 

twenty-two in pictures

It was a whirlwind, really; one big, beautiful, blur. I managed to cram so many milestones into just one year:

0: 22nd birthday (March)

1: graduated from college with my bachelor's degree (May)

2: finally married my best friend (July)

3: moved to Virginia (July)

4: started a new job (August)

5: honeymooned in Europe (September)

6: SURPRISE! got pregnant (September)

Honorable mentions:

1: accidentally dyed my hair red, again

2: got my first few pieces of Tiffany & Co. jewelry - my first blue box!

3: followed the Irish to the National Championship game (let's not talk about the outcome)

4: developed an allergy to kiwi

5: started a blog!

First things first for 23? HAVE A BABY!

Life is crazy. Crazy wonderful.

Here's hoping 23 will be just as blessed. Thank you, 22!


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